Spa Cleaning Maintenance

According to the National Institutes of Health, improper cleaning is one of the four top risk factors for developing a disease when using a hot tub, along with not maintaining the correct pH range and not regularly changing the water or filters. Bacteria and fungus can develop sanitizer-resistant biofilm on the surfaces of your hot tub as well as within the pipes.  Along with other foreign materials in your hot tub water, these will impact the functionality and efficiency of your machine. This is why it is important to properly clean your hot tub, the filters, and the pipes every 3 months. However, if you notice any of the following indicators that should prompt you to empty your hot tub and start scrubbing.

  • Cloudy water
  • Foamy water
  • Discolored (green) water
  • Grime at the water line
  • Foul odors
  • Spa has sat unused/untreated for a long time


Hands putting gloves on

    Tools required

    • Garden Hose
    • Grounded extension cord
    • Non abrasive cleaning cloths
    • Shop vacuum
    • 5 gallon bucket
    • Protective gear (gloves and eye protection)

    Materials required

    • Hot Tub Filter Cleaner
    • Hot Tub Plumbing Cleaner (also called Line Cleaner)
    • Spa Chemical Test Kit

    1) Apply Shock Treatment

    1. See our Chemical Maintenance blog article for instructions.
    2. This will allow for improved efficiency of the hot tub plumbing cleaner.
    3. Circulate for 30min


    Foamy water

    2) Clean the pipes and jets

    • Remove the filter so the cleaner doesn't soak into it.
    • Turn the jets on maximum.
    • Add jet line cleaner according to the manufacturer’s directions.
    • Let the cleaner circulate for 1 hour (if the lines haven’t been cleaned in a long time, you may want to allow the plumbing cleaner to circulate for a few hours).
    • Foam will build up on the surface of the water once it has been flushed from the pipes, you can use the shop vac to remove this from the surface of the water, or wait until the hot tub is drained.


          Water flowing down a drain

            3) Drain your hot tub

            *Note: Many areas of the country have laws that dictate where you can drain your hot tub water due to the chemicals.

            1. Option one: Attach a garden hose to the factory installed drain on your hot tub and allow it to drain (will take several hours).
            2. Option two: Use a Sump Pump to force the water out more quickly.
            3. Use a shop vacuum to suck remainder of water from the bottom of the tub.


            4) Clean/replace your filter

            *Note: Filters should be removed and rinsed regularly

            1. Remove filters.
            2. Newer, lightly used filters can simply be sprayed with a strong stream of water from a hose, otherwise use hot tub filter cleaner according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
            3. If filters are very dirty, follow hot tub filter cleaner instructions for soaking your filters.
            4. If the filters still won’t get clean, consider replacing them.


            Empty hot tub

              5) Clean the surfaces of your hot tub

              1. Adding unnecessary chemicals can have adverse effects once the new water is added, so fairly clean spas can simply be rinsed with water. Otherwise dedicated spa cleaning products can be carefully applied.
              2. Use non abrasive cloths to clean surfaces.
              3. Wipe around all jets, rings, and drain.
              4. Rinse all surfaces well.
              5. Remove any remaining water with a wet/dry vac.


              6) Clean the cover of your hot tub

              1. Apply hot tub surface cleaner.
              2. Use non abrasive cloths to clean surfaces.
              3. Pay close attention to the seams.
              4. Rinse all surfaces well.
              5. Dry.


              7) Refill your hot tub

              1. Open all of the jets.
              2. Plug the drain if using a gravity drain system.
              3. Insert hose into filter compartment as this prevents water lock issues.
              4. Turn on hose (use an in-line filter if you have hard water issues).
              5. Avoid overfilling as it may cause serious problems. Typically you want to fill to just under the lowest seat pillow.

              Begin Spa Chemical Maintenance