Automatic Spa Sanitizer Dispensing

Active Shock, Passive Bromine Dispensing
Sensa Spa

Simply drop it in and it immediately goes to work identifying your spa's custom parameters, automatically dispensing ideal sanitizer levels as needed and keeping you informed along the way.

Sensa App

Your personal spa concierge. With a dashboard, history & advice and shop all in one place, you'll always know the state of your spa, and you'll be alerted when there's an issue.

Chemical Subscripiton

Designed to last an entire season, a treatment program is delivered to your door with everything needed to keep your spa crystal clear.

A Revolutionary Spa Maintenance Platform

Tired of legacy spa products that only solve one problem at a time, the team at Sensa has created an entire spa maintenance experience. The Sensa Spa platform is not just a product, it's an entire ecosystem. From a chemical subscription to the hardware and app that streamline the entire process, we aim to provide the whole solution, including the support to help with any issues that may arise.

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